Women's Empowerment

Amplifying Her Voice Featured Speaker: Shirley Hernandez

We continue meeting the incredible women speaking at the upcoming Amplifying Her Voice “In Moms We Trust” Mother’s Day Summit. Today, we’re getting to know Shirley Hernandez, host of the “Alien Healer” podcast. Hernandez is also a proud Latina business owner, motivational speaker, and healer. Here, she discusses what motivates and inspires her—in herself and others—as well as the importance of safety and resources for mothers, her advice to girls and women, and more.

What inspired you to join Amplifying Her Voice for Mother’s Day? What do you hope to share with the world?

To help women around the world not feel like they aren’t enough. To empower and inspire.

What most drives and motivates you each day?

My growth.

Who is your role model, and why?

Any immigrant who has travel to an unknown land and better themselves.

What cause, company, group, or movement are you a part of that you would like to share with us?

Social justice and survivors of assault.

What do you think are some of the most pressing issues facing moms, families, and caregivers today?

Feeling like they aren’t enough or they have to not care for themselves.

How do you think issues like poverty, violence, racism, oppression, and inequality intersect with motherhood and with being a woman?

It affects them more than we acknowledge and we know. We don’t make them safe for them to enjoy their womanhood.

How do you feel being a mother is different now than it was in the past? What do you hope will change in the future?

I’m not a mother but I like very much that there are more resources now.

What is the best advice you’ve received?

Feel the moment and what counts you’ll already handle.

What is something you would like to share with the next generation?

That asking for help isn’t weak.

Who inspired you as a child or young person, and how do you work to inspire the next generation now?

My father. I live with my true self and give people love through my healing.

What do you think is the most important thing for women to keep in mind in terms of caring for themselves?

It isn’t selfish.

What are your views on “work-life balance” for women?

I think they shouldn’t be deemed as lazy for having an off day. They should receive more help.

What advice would you like to share with girls and women looking to achieve their dreams and lift up one another?

Don’t be afraid to take up space.

We admire and value all the work Hernandez does in her support of women, immigrants, and anyone in need. We can’t wait to hear her speak on sexuality and communication at the Amplifying Her Voice “In Moms We Trust” Summit, along with amazing women from around the world. Register today to join us!

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