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Women at the Forefront in Blockchain

Women don’t just stand to benefit from blockchain and its many applications—in many cases, they’re leading the way. From covering blockchain issues, to helping others get into blockchain, to using blockchain to empower underprivileged womenwomen worldwide are at the vanguard of a blockchain revolution.

How Blockchain Is Turning Around Farmers’ Fortunes, from The Daily Monitor—“With Blockchain, the farmers can now access bank loans and any other financial institutions that give loans since Blockchain enables them to become their clients. Women are the most beneficiaries of this system.”

Can Blockchain Build a Better Bank? Experts Weigh In, from The Ledger—“Amber Baldet, CEO of Clovyr, a startup that aims to help people experiment with blockchains and the like, said it’s tricky to measure, or even define, decentralization. Rather than focus on single metrics […] people had better be on the lookout for “sticky power aggregation points,” where value accrues. ‘More than just talking about, Are we decentralized yet?, maybe we should be looking at the supply chain of this whole process and figuring out who’s getting sticky, who’s just replacing this new guard with the old guard, and where power is shifting,’ she said.”

Blockchain Benefits Sustainable Food Production, from Phys.org—“Using blockchain in future, [Associate Professor Michaela Balzarova] suggests, could be a way of ensuring transparency of transactions, gathering more accurate data and eliminating the need for intermediaries. She believes that once present problems related to trust and a lack of experience with blockchain technology are addressed, using blockchain platform for future transactions could result in reduced prices for consumers and fairer returns for farmers.”

Ethereum Developer Hopes to See More Women in Blockchain, from Coin Rivet—“I’m a strong advocate of helping the blockchain community be more diverse. As is true with technology in general, there are a small number of women working in the space. Last year, I ran workshops on Solidity development particularly aimed atwomen in the hopes that I can motivate them to enter this somewhat intimidating space and to help them do so with the confidence to voice their opinions and ensure they are heard.”

Bitcoin Exchange Binance Aims to Disrupt Female ‘Period Poverty’, from CCN.com—“By launching the Pink Care Token — the first tangible application of cryptocurrency for young womenempowerment in social impact industry, we aim to use blockchain for social good and transform traditional charitable giving in a fully transparent and accountable manner. By actively responding to the 4th industrial revolution, we attempt to shape a brighter future of all human beings, especially the bottom billions, humanity into a shared sense of dignity. After all, it comes down to human and values.”

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