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How to write better: Coming from a teen author

Earlier this month we introduced you to Risha Chaurasia, a 14-year-old author from India currently working on her third novel. Today, she shares some of her strategies and helpful tips for anyone looking to sharpen their writing skills.

By Risha Chaurasia, author Tales of Twinkling Tweens, TRUCE, To My Homies

“Writing’s not that easy.”

We’ve all heard this a gazillion times, but what we haven’t heard is that it can be made easier. Much like any other art form, writing is a skill of patience, practice, and perfection: a skill anyone can master.

To be a writer is not just to pen pretty words on paper; it’s to put out a piece of your soul for the world to read. You just have to have the courage to pick up the pen and write.

If you’re an aspiring writer, an established author, a student, or just someone wanting to improve your writing skills: This post’s for you.

Tip 1: READ!

To be a writer is to be a reader, and reading lays the foundation of all writing. It sparks creativity and acquaints you with writing styles, literary devices, and various nuances. I have been reading since 3 years old and have spent my entire childhood with a nose in a novel, and it was these reading habits that helped me become the writer I am today. Nothing teaches writing better than books, so go ahead and read. Even if for 15 minutes every day will help you grow as a writer.

Tip 2: Write every day!

A bad page is better than an empty one. A writer is someone who writes every day without worrying if their work is good or bad. You’ve got to practice your craft daily and you can choose its form. Journal, write school essays, write poetry or short stories—just write daily. Write anything and everything that comes to your mind. Write about the funny things that happen, the dramas or fights that take place. Your surroundings are your biggest inspiration. Observe, account, and tell!

Tip 3: Participate in MOOCs

MOOCs, or massive open online courses, are courses offered by numerous universities across a variety of fields. Some are free, some paid, and they are available on apps like EdX, Coursers, Udemy, and Allison. The courses are self-paced, making them accessible and easier to fit into your schedule, and some even offer free certifications. MOOCs have helped me immensely, and I strongly recommend them!

Tip 4: Take feedback from friends and family

My family is both my biggest supporter and critic. My mom’s feedback and inputs greatly helped improve my writing. Sometimes, as authors, we’re unable to find faults in our writing. A fresh set of eyes helps us identify flaws and inconsistencies that might remain hidden from us.
Constructive criticism helps one grow and is often necessary to bring out the best in you!

Tip 5: Have passion for the things you write about

Writing is an art of the heart and the best writing comes from love. I write about my personal experiences and things I relate to. This way, my readers relate with me too. Being a teenager, I write about teens and our lives, things I can best understand. Find yourself in your writing.
When writing articles or essays, choose topics you care about, and you’ll notice the difference.

Lastly, believe in your dreams and keep working toward them. Never give up and keep writing!

Connect with Risha Chaurasia, learn more, or buy her books here. She posts regularly on Instagram at

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