Women Investing in Women Digital and Qrypto Queens made history in Russia at the end of last month...
Category - Leadership
IBM’s Blockchain Team Is Led by Women. Here’s Why That’s a Big Deal for Silicon Valley
A 1,500-member-strong blockchain team: led by a woman. Blockchain development: led by a woman...
5 Women-Founded Companies With Upcoming ICOs
Crypto Daily, a U.K.-based group of crypto enthusiasts, recently covered several ICOs launched as...
26 Women of Color Diversifying Entrepreneurship in Silicon Valley, Media, and Beyond
Margot Lee Shetterly; a writer who has worked in investment banking and media startups and is...
How to evaluate blockchain projects and why the industry needs more women: Women in Blockchain panel
Blockchain can be overwhelming—and not just as an emerging industry and new technology. Even for...
How Women Can Succeed in Blockchain
This month for International Women’s Day, the Global Coin Report interviewed several leading...
At inaugural Power Rising summit, black women celebrate wins, strategize for upcoming battles
More than 1,000 black women from all 50 U.S. states gathered in Atlanta February 22 through 25 to...
The State of Women in Crypto and Blockchain: Lisa Brincat
We continue to learn from women leaders in blockchain and cryptocurrency. Lisa Brincat is an...
The rise of Davos Woman: who are the 7 female chairs of the World Economic Forum 2018?
While we still have a way to go to reach equal representation in many fields and men still...
At Davos, Canada’s Trudeau speaks up on women’s rights
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spoke at Davos Tuesday, where he resolved to prioritize...