Featured Leadership Women's Empowerment

Amplifying Her Voice Featured Speaker: Betty LaMarr

The Amplifying Her Voice “In Moms We Trust” Summit wrapped last week—but we’re not done introducing you to our amazing speakers!

Betty LaMarr is the founder of the EmpowHer Institute; a nonprofit organization focused on empowering “girls and young women in marginalized communities by helping them gain the skills necessary through education, training, and mentorship to become confident, college-, and career-ready.”

LaMarr is also an author, activist, mentor, community leader, and a member of the advisory board for The State of Women Institute. She shared her wisdom and experience in her keynote address “Journey From Single Mom to Single Grandmom,” describing what it was like for her to navigate barriers as a single mom, as well as a Black mother and businesswoman, and the lessons and inspiration she has gained from her journey and hard work. She also joined the panel “The Marshall Plan for Moms (and Dads).”

Here, LaMarr discusses her inspirations, the importance of being part of the solution and working to change the the paradigm, and supporting families no matter what they look like.

What inspired you to join Amplifying Her Voice for Mother’s Day?

Anytime I can add to the conversation that empowers girls and women, I welcome the opportunity.

What most drives and motivates you each day?

What most drives me each day is to see women and girls tap into all of the dimensions of their strength. Both, giving and receiving support.

Who is your role model, and why?

I don’t have just one. I am inspired by the young and the old who are transforming our society to a more just place for all.

What cause, company, group, or movement are you a part of that you would like to share with us?

I am founder of EmpowHer Institute, which is focused on gender equity and social justice for teen girls in underserved communities.

What do you think are some of the most pressing issues facing moms, families, and caregivers today?

I think moms have a lot of responsibilities as parents, daughters, and professionals. Most don’t have the support system that allows them to be their best. They are stretched and in a constant state of “performing.” As females, we operate from a place of measuring ourselves against the “perfect” situation and that doesn’t exist.

How do you think issues like poverty, violence, racism, oppression, and inequality intersect with motherhood and with being a woman?

All of these are issues that are in our society on a daily basis. We have to raise our children to be citizens of the world and to be either a part of the solution or being complicit by our silence. As women, we possess the position, talent and character to help change the paradigm around all of these issues. Women have to step into the gap.

How do you feel being a mother is different now than it was in the past? What do you hope will change in the future?

I am not sure that being a mother is different. Circumstances have certainly changed and the social contract allows for a different family construct. Family may just as well be a single mother, single father, as the traditional family with mother, father, dad and 2.5 kids. We have to support children from every family.

What is the best advice you’ve received?

To those who much is given, much is expected.

What is something you would like to share with the next generation?

Recognize that you are a participant in our society’s success and problems. Your idea may be a solution. Step into your greatness!

What do you think is the most important thing for women to keep in mind in terms of caring for themselves?

Remember that you can’t drink from an empty well. Refuel and refresh yourself so you can take care those you care about.

What are your views on “work-life balance” for women? How should women handle the obligations of both professional and family life, and what messages does it send to the next generation?

Work-life balance is another concept that asks women to measure themselves between two areas of responsibility. Recognize that this is not a 50/50 situation, but multiple areas in your life that are important to you. We know that we can love more than one person and therefore we can also operate between these two areas without guilt. Find your own equilibrium.

What advice would you like to share with girls and women looking to achieve their dreams and lift up one another?

Real women fix each others’ crowns. You are a unique individual; jealousy and competition has no place between us. Lift each other up. You may need a hand tomorrow.

We are eternally grateful to have Betty LaMarr on our advisory board, at our events, and empowering girls and young women every day. If you missed her during the summit last week, stay tuned to our social media channels for videos of her sessions and all the amazing content from Amplifying Her Voice!

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