Balanced Living Featured

4 Reasons to Practice Body Brushing

By Pam Blue

Skin is not only our largest organ but it is also the only one that is visible on the outside.

As our guardian of sorts, it upholds our wellbeing in more than one way. It maintains proper body temperature, keeps viruses and bacteria at bay, produces vitamins, and provides sensation.

Most of us give it attention every day in one way or another and most of that attention is based on what we see on the outside. 

Maybe we see dry skin or oily skin. Maybe we see a sunburn or acne. Maybe we see wrinkles or age spots.

But, did you know that one-third of our blood is going to our skin and that our skin is responsible for eliminating most of our toxins? There is a great deal happening through our skin that is unseen. 

This is where body brushing comes into play. It takes no more than 3–5 minutes each day and has the ability to boost our health as well as our appearance.

“Skin brushing techniques can be traced back to most ancient civilizations.” -Gara Post

Our skin cells have a life span of 14 days which in comparison to other cells is quite short-lived. We lose 30,000 to 40,000 skin cells each minute and there are new ones just waiting to come forward.

This time tested method of brushing our skin while dry has a number of benefits.

  1. Exfoliation — brushing our skin daily allows those 30–40,000 new cells a chance to have access to fresh blood and oxygen by assuring that the dead cells do not build up. This becomes more necessary as we age and the natural process of skin turnover (known as desquamation) slows down and becomes less effective which they tend to do more of as we age. When dead skin cells accumulate two things happen, the skin takes on a dull appearance and the organ itself is less effective in removing toxins. So, regularly exfoliating our entire body can keep skin radiant and healthy. 
  2. Stimulates Circulation — just underneath the skin lies our lymphatic system which escorts all that is unwanted out of the body and plays a large role in our immune system as well as many blood vessels. Taking time to brush our skin gets blood and lymph moving can serve to oxygenate and detoxify our whole body.
  3. Rejuvenates the Nervous System — because nerves are just beneath the surface of our skin, as we brush the skin, it wakes them up and leaves our skin more alert and responsive to touch.
  4. Enhances Skin Tone — the act of brushing can help to soften and redistribute fat cells while at the same time stimulating muscle fibers. When combined, the physical appearance of the skin is improved.

If you’re feeling inspired, you will need to choose a brush with natural fibers. It can be helpful to find one with a long handle to brush those hard to reach places on your back.

Because it is can be stimulating to the nervous system, it is suggested to do it as part of your daily morning routine. Taking a shower right afterward helps support the removal of the dead cells.

Consider setting aside 3–5 minutes, so you can enjoy yourself and turn it into a relaxing feel-good time.

With medium pressure, start at the tops of your feet. Brush in long rhythmic strokes towards your heart and take your time centering yourself in gratitude. This mental love note to each skin cell will go along way.

Remember to be gentle with yourself, especially if you have sensitive skin. Harder is not better or more effective. 

You will want to clean your brush weekly. 

Simply take a bowl of water, add three to four drops of essential oil (tea tree works well), and some liquid soap. Then set the bristles of the brush in the water keeping the base and handle dry as the water can cause the wood to crack or rot over time.

Slowly move the brush around in the water to wash off the dead cells and oils.

After a couple of minutes, replace that water with fresh water and repeat the process.

Lastly, place it bristle down on top of a towel to air dry. 

Morning routines can become windows of opportunity to slow down and give thanks to an entire community of cells working tirelessly to make your life experience possible.

“Be healthy and take care of yourself, but be happy with the beautiful things that make you, you.” — Beyonce

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