Balanced Living Featured Women's Empowerment

Amplifying Her Voice Featured Speaker: Nishi Bhonsle

Nishi Bhonsle is a mentor, leader, entrepreneur, personal trainer, and nutritional and wellness consultant, as well as the senior director of engineering at Salesforce. She is passionate about health, helping others succeed and grow, and investing in teams and individuals for their own success as well as that of organizations. She shared this wisdom, perspective and insight on the “Women’s Health and Wellness” panel during Amplifying Her Voice “In Moms We Trust.” Here, she shares further insights: discussing the crucial role of self-care, what gives her energy and inspiration, appreciating the pursuit of a goal as much as the achievement itself, and more.

What inspired you to join Amplifying Her Voice for Mother’s Day? What do you hope to share with the world?

Self-care via good health and daily fitness is super critical for women at all ages. Self-care should be given top priority in women’s lives and women should be empowered to take daily time off to take care of themselves.

What most drives and motivates you each day?

Renewed energy when I able to invest time in daily exercise and take good, mindful nutrition every day. Seeing my friends and clients enjoying the advantages of a sustainable health plan.

Who is your role model, and why?

Maya Angelou. She inspires me with her ambition and passion in fights against prejudices and discrimination and taking charge of your own life. I live by her famous words: “Try to live your life in a way that you will not regret years of useless virtue and inertia and timidity. Take up the battle, take it up! It’s yours, this is your life this is your world.”

What cause, company, group, or movement are you a part of that you would like to share with us?

I run the company that is dedicated to providing 100 percent online health and wellness services (physical and spiritual). We also cover career consulting and stress consulting sessions.

What do you think are some of the most pressing issues facing moms, families, and caregivers today?

The most pressing issues facing moms today are about conflicting priorities and judgements. As moms rise to their independent statuses they are asked to step down, reminding them of their role as caregivers; they are judged for forgetting their primary role; and are made to feel sorry for giving their careers and their ambitions the top priority they deserve.

How do you think issues like poverty, violence, racism, oppression, and inequality intersect with motherhood and with being a woman?

A woman stepping into a motherhood role is expected to only perform her motherly duties—giving up on her ambitions and passions that she might have been pursuing. This is the basis of everything that stands for inequality, passive oppression, racism, and violence. Unconscious bias steps in and these women are considered incapable of performing the jobs they have performed in their past lives.

How do you feel being a mother is different now than it was in the past? What do you hope will change in the future?

We are in a much better situation where women can voice their opinions and have the support of the community via social media. I hope for continued awareness and education and men joining forces and alliances with women to support their growth and success.

What is the best advice you’ve received?

Go after small incremental successes, drive that success for others with intention, and build a community of support.

What is something you would like to share with the next generation?

The journey to awareness and education of masses has just begun.

Who inspired you as a child or young person, and how do you work to inspire the next generation now?

My mother inspired me as a child. I inspire my daughter by pursuing my ambitions alongside my career. I hope she learns that it is never too late to embrace change, maybe fail but not give up, make new decisions, influence and impact your immediate community, give back with empathy, and shift your mindsets as needed.

What do you think is the most important thing for women to keep in mind in terms of caring for themselves?

It is in their hands to make that a priority for themselves. No one else will.

What are your views on “work-life balance” for women? How should women handle the obligations of both professional and family life, and what messages does it send to the next generation?

Balance is overloaded. There should be harmony. Do you. Do mindfully. There is no magic wand. Do what you have to do as long as you are truly enjoying the journey, do not ever give up on being a nomad in your thoughts and ideas, take self care to new heights, and love your time on earth.

What advice would you like to share with girls and women looking to achieve their dreams and lift up one another?

It is a crooked bumpy road to achieving dreams and it’s the best time when you are on that road. You meet some fabulous people, make some long lasting friendships, build partnerships and communities around you, and you grow a ton. This is the true meaning of life.
Enjoy the road to your dreams. The dream is never done. There will be more always.

We were delighted to have Nishi Bhonsle at our global summit, and we’re thrilled to share her thoughts with you. Keep learning more—about growing, taking care of one another, and caring for yourself—and follow us for regular news and wisdom from insightful women around the world.

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